A Vite plugin that generates declaration files (*.d.ts
) from .ts(x)
or .vue
source files when using Vite in library mode.
English | 中文
pnpm i vite-plugin-dts -D
In vite.config.ts
import { resolve } from 'path'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import dts from 'vite-plugin-dts'
export default defineConfig({
build: {
lib: {
entry: resolve(__dirname, 'src/index.ts'),
name: 'MyLib',
formats: ['es'],
fileName: 'my-lib'
plugins: [dts()]
By default, the generated declaration files are following the source structure.
If you want to merge all declarations into one file, just specify rollupTypes: true
plugins: [dts({ rollupTypes: true })]
Starting with 3.0.0
, you can use this plugin with Rollup.
Here are some FAQ's and solutions.
Type errors that are unable to infer types from packages in node_modules
This is an existing TypeScript issue where TypeScript infers types from packages located in node_modules
through soft links (pnpm). A workaround is to add baseUrl
to your tsconfig.json
and specify the paths
for these packages:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"third-lib": ["node_modules/third-lib"]
Internal Error
occurs when using rollupTypes: true
Refer to this issue, it's due to a limitation of @microsoft/api-extractor
or TypeScript resolver.
The main reason is that baseUrl
is specified in tsconfig.json
and non-standard paths are used directly when imported.
For example: baseUrl: 'src'
is specified and importing from <root>/src/components/index.ts
in <root>/src/index.ts
, and import 'components'
is used instead of import './components'
Currently, you need to avoid the above situation, or use aliases instead (with the paths
Missing some declaration files after build (before 1.7.0
By default, the skipDiagnostics
option is set to true
which means type diagnostics will be skipped during the build process (some projects may have diagnostic tools such as vue-tsc
). Files with type errors which interrupt the build process will not be emitted (declaration files won't be generated).
If your project doesn't use type diagnostic tools, you can set skipDiagnostics: false
and logDiagnostics: true
to turn on diagnostic and logging features of this plugin. Type errors during build will be logged to the terminal.
Type error when using both script
and setup-script
in Vue component (before 3.0.0
This is usually caused by using the defineComponent
function in both script
and setup-script
. When vue/compiler-sfc
compiles these files, the default export result from script
gets merged with the parameter object of defineComponent
from setup-script
. This is incompatible with parameters and types returned from defineComponent
. This results in a type error.
Here is a simple example. You should remove the defineComponent
in script
and export a native object directly.
import type ts from 'typescript'
import type { IExtractorConfigPrepareOptions, IExtractorInvokeOptions } from '@microsoft/api-extractor'
import type { LogLevel } from 'vite'
type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>
export type RollupConfig = Omit<
| 'projectFolder'
| 'mainEntryPointFilePath'
| 'compiler'
| 'dtsRollup'
export interface Resolver {
name: string,
supports: (id: string) => void | boolean,
transform: (payload: {
id: string,
code: string,
root: string,
outDir: string,
host: ts.CompilerHost,
program: ts.Program,
service: ts.LanguageService
}) => MaybePromise<{ path: string, content: string }[]>
export interface PluginOptions {
root?: string,
outDir?: string | string[],
entryRoot?: string,
strictOutput?: boolean,
compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions | null,
tsconfigPath?: string,
resolvers?: Resolver[],
pathsToAliases?: boolean,
aliasesExclude?: (string | RegExp)[],
cleanVueFileName?: boolean,
staticImport?: boolean,
include?: string | string[],
exclude?: string | string[],
clearPureImport?: boolean,
insertTypesEntry?: boolean,
rollupTypes?: boolean,
bundledPackages?: string[],
rollupConfig?: RollupConfig,
rollupOptions?: IExtractorInvokeOptions,
copyDtsFiles?: boolean,
declarationOnly?: boolean,
logLevel?: LogLevel,
afterDiagnostic?: (diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[]) => MaybePromise<void>,
beforeWriteFile?: (
filePath: string,
content: string
) => MaybePromise<
| void
| false
| {
filePath?: string,
content?: string
afterRollup?: (result: ExtractorResult) => MaybePromise<void>,
afterBuild?: () => MaybePromise<void>
Thanks for all the contributions!
Clone and run the following script:
pnpm run test:ts
Then check examples/ts/types
Also Vue and React cases under examples
A real project using this plugin: Vexip UI.
MIT License.